Winter at Lake Garda Trentino is like a fairy tale. Despite the snow-white peaks, the mild temperatures let you practise some outdoor sport without suffering the cold.
If you are not keen on sports, you will love the Christmas atmosphere of Garda Trentino: the Hapsburg market in Arco, the Villaggi del Gusto in Riva del Garda and medieval markets in Canale di Tenno and even… Santa’s house!
The food and drink events, farms with animals, fireworks and… much more! Nature and emotions will overwhelm you in the north side of Lake Garda also in winter.
Here are our top proposals for an unforgettable winter
Arco. Winter means Christmas and markets that here, in Trentino, are a fixture and among the most beautiful ones in Italy. Take for example the Christmas market in Arco, from 15th November to 6th January, in the wonderful square Piazza III Novembre. This year, there will be some news, like the farm with the animals, the ancient professions – every Saturday a different one -, different street artists who will stage their amazing artistic shows, delicious food and donkeys that children can pet and ride. The Hapsburg atmosphere of Arco will enchant you! This year’s topic will be the nineteenth century: read the program and do not miss the costume balls! One of the news will be the Kids’ New Year’s Eve. Then the long-awaited fireworks on 7th December, the light show and the Moonlight, the waders’ parade.

Riva del Garda. Christmas in Riva del Garda means good food. The beautiful Riva will turn into a village of taste, the Villaggio del Gusto. At “Di Gusto in Gusto” you will find and taste delicious local food. But in Riva there is the Santa’s house! Santa Claus’ house is where your kids can leave their letter, know him or even become an Elf at the Academy of Elves! Discover here when you can take part and the requirements you need to join the academy! Another great event you cannot miss at Lake Garda Trentino is the New Year’s Eve! In Riva, it will be Hop’s time, an electronic music party with Italian DJs to dance all night long and watch the amazing firework show at midnight! The lake illuminated by the flashes of the fireworks will make you feel like in a fairy tale. The day after? Will you be going home on January 1st? Not at all! Let’s dive into the lake! Let’s meet at Piazza III novembre in Riva del Garda and let’s see if you are brave enough!

Christmas in Canale di Tenno. The ancient atmosphere of Canale, one of the most beautiful hamlets in Italy, perfectly meets the Christmas spirit! You can walk among courtyards and gardens and stop at the stands to buy something or to indulge in a little sin of gluttony, such as carne salada and beans! And do not forget a visit to the touching Living Crib.

Nago-Torbole. Also Torbole e Nago have a lot to offer. An example? Caminar, Magnar entant che vegn Nadal, the traditional food&drink walk in Nago. A tour among the traditions and typical products with a Christmas carols soundtrack. Or the Festa del Broccolo! The “Son of the Wind” is a local products that has recently entered the Slow Food presidia.

Garda Trentino Xmas Bus – Shuttle Bus connects the main Christmas events. The new connection will be from/to Campi di Riva del Garda for the Sensi del Natale weekend. A very useful shuttle bus to reach the event locations – there will be many more transfers throughout the day. So, leave your car and chose a more environmental-friendly way of moving.
Wanna try the Xmas Trail, the trail race at Garda Trentino? Here you can practise outdoor sports even in winter thanks to the Mediterranean climate, therefore catch this chance and discover Garda Trentino in winter, too.