Home Outdoor In Garda Trentino climbing is for everybody, families as well.

In Garda Trentino climbing is for everybody, families as well.

by Isabelle Yrma Pace
Reading time 2 minutes
Our Ambassador Adam Ondra reminds us that you can and you must climb safely, and in Garda Trentino climbing is for everybody, families as well.

“Approach the climbing with someone who is very keen on climbing; be very careful when securing your partner; don’t soil and above all, have fun”.

With these words Adam Ondra, the famous climber and Garda Trentino Ambassador, greeted some young students of the local schools, and took the chance to remind them how essential the safety is in sports like climbing.

Followed by Eurosport on the last days to shoot an episode that will launch the new format of the TV show “24h con il campione” precisely with him, Adam Ondra reminded everyone how Garda Trentino is a place naturally suited for this discipline thanks to its cliffs and faces which are apparently out of reach!


Even if the rock seems out of reach, once on the top the view in front of you is no doubt: climbing is well worth the effort of having sweat, bitten the bullet, felt the muscles tired and weary, because you are compensated by an incredible feeling of well-being and happiness. It’s also said by statistics! Climbing is good for your body and soul, reinforces the self esteem and is a sport convenient also for the little ones, as long as it is practiced on safe cliffs and with the right equipment! Exactly as Adam Ondra does! In the Garda Trentino area this is possible also thanks to the Outdoor Park Garda Trentino project, born to encourage the outdoor experience safely with cliffs, paths and routes which are constantly under control.


In Garda Trentino climbing is for everybody, families as well. Outdoor Summer

Garda Trentino offers many cliffs for families, where mum, dad and children can climb safely!

For example, the San Martino family cliff, where Adam met the students, but also the Doss Pelà in Drena and the Massi delle Traole area in Nago are three cliffs which have been tested and equipped for the little ones, who can therefore approach climbing safely. But there other routes for the young climbers! Like Segrom, Muro dell’Asino and many more (link falesie famiglie).

We had the luck to interview Adam here, but maybe you could meet him while he is climbing one of his beloved routes! After all, Garda Trentino is the homeland of climbing… for everybody, kids as well, he confirmed that! Mum and dad are warned, little champions are growing up!

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