Home Tips A Good chat with Adam Ondra, waiting for the The Adventure Awards Days

A Good chat with Adam Ondra, waiting for the The Adventure Awards Days

by Isabelle Yrma Pace
adam ondra
Reading time 3 minutes
Being the Adventure Awards Days festival just around the corner, we thought it would have been a good idea to meet the Garda Trentino climbing ambassador, Adam Ondra. Kindly, he answered some questions about his sport and future plans to make himself know by all of you.

The International Adventure and Exploration Festival (link) is just round the corner! On Friday, the 30th of September the Adventure Awards Days kicks off in Arco: an event rich in meetings, presentations, activities and much more in the outdoor world.

An event specifically dedicated to those who love to live in the open air, who love sport, nature, the landscape beauties and above all, for those of you who feel all in one with them all. We have already written about this event here, about the sense of freedom it celebrates, about the emotion that only enchanted places like the Garda Trentino ones are able to give.

To be ready to celebrate these “adventure days” we have met the Garda Trentino climbing ambassador, our champion Adam Ondra! Born in 1993, he is considered one of the greatest climbing athletes in the world ever, and he is also a champion in humility and congeniality, we can swear it.

He has spared us few minutes to tell us about his photo shooting (on Saturday, the 1st of October at 3 pm you could appreciate him and his athletic movements around Bosco Caproni in Massone) and his fan meeting (on the same day at 5 pm on the main Adventure Awards Days stage). Here, we will speak about Adam as a man rather than as an athlete, focusing on how he succeeded in becoming an absolute climbing prodigy thanks to his perseverance, passion and obduracy. He answered some short questions you’ll find here:

A Good chat with Adam Ondra, waiting for the The Adventure Awards Days Tips

Some questions to Adam Ondra and his sneak preview on the Garda Trentino new route project

  1. There are plenty of cliffs in Garda Trentino, is there a specific one you feel as “yours” and want to climb each time you come here?

Adam: The greatest thing is that each cliff has its distinctive trait, you can enjoy a wonderful view from each of them and you can practice different types of climbing as well. That’s why I like to change my backdrop each time!

2. Many kids would like to familiarise with this sport, do you think it’s a risky activity?

Adam: If practised carefully and safely, climbing isn’t more dangerous than a football match! Obviously, there are many climbing disciplines that require specific technical skills, but if we speak about sport climbing, this doesn’t involve big problems as far as it is practiced carefully.

3. You are a champion in this sport. According to you, what is more important between natural ability and training?

Adam: I think half and half. What I like most about climbing is that it isn’t only physical but also mental, you have to keep your head cool. The climbing art is moving “efficiently”: my muscles and physical training allow me to climb at a fast pace, but that’s different for other athletes. It depends on each body and training.

4. How do you live Garda Trentino when you are not climbing or training? Do you practice any other sports?

Adam: Sometimes I go cycling around the wonderful routes you have in these places! And many people have been asking me to try kitesurfing, I absolutely have to do it!

5. You won two competitions in the last Rock Master edition, congratulations on that! It was about a year since you had last competed. Why this break?

Adam: After two years competing I needed a break. Competitions galvanise me to train and climb well. But to me, cliff-climbing is the “real pleasure”. The Paris world championship is almost here and I think next year I’ll have a break (While we are writing Adam has won the title of world champion of the lead and second place in Builder). I already have some interesting projects here in Arco, we are planning to “open a new route” near Laghel, maybe in autumn. Soon… we will tell you everything!

(Adam plays the dark horse!)

Adam Ondra is a real champion, helpful and nice, with his head screwed on (on great shoulders, by the way!)… now we only have to run to the Adventure Awards Days to coo over him climbing airily and chatting pleasantly with his fans. Because the real champions, as he is, are champions both in and out the “sport field”. Bet you would like to emulate him climbing the Garda Trentino faces?

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