Garda Trentino? A luxuriant floral universe perfectly set in an alpine context.
The “unexpected” is the characterizing element of this territory, according to Peter Brunel, a chef from Fassa who has chosen to return to “his” Trentino after a long pilgrimage spent in Italian and French kitchens.
And the location chosen for his return to his “origins” was precisely Garda Trentino which amazed and made the famous chef fall in love thanks to its views, but above all to this unusual explosion of flowers, fruit and the variety of vegetation that characterizes this strip of the Mediterranean at the foot of the Dolomites.
But what are the Garda Trentino raw materials that can never be missing in his kitchen?
We had it explained to us by Peter Brunel who welcomed us again (we had already met him here ) in his refined and essential Peter Brunel Ristorante Gourmet in Linfano (Arco) a stone’s throw from the lake.

“I have travelled a little all over the world but I have always taken with me the raw materials of my Trentino and, an element that can never be missing in my kitchen, extra virgin olive oil from Garda Trentino. I like to enhance the status of Made in Italy 360° by recreating in the dish that cultural richness that characterizes our beautiful country “.
The very location of this restaurant has deeply impressed chef Brunel who says: “I chose Linfano because the word itself (“linfa”) recalls the “ sap ”, the luxuriant nature of Garda Trentino which offers a very fertile land giving lots of fruits. I love vegetables very much (broccoli from Torbole is a must in my menu when it is in season) and I have dedicated an entire menu to vegetables, namely “the families of vegetables and the Garda olive”.

Enhancement of the territory, exaltation of its different forms of excellence, sustainability and a lot of creativity. From the bulb to the leaf, from the flower to the fruit, any raw material is enhanced in multiple volumes, varying the processes to create a unique flavour.
The result? An interplay of textures and flavour that gives the palate a real experience of flavour.
“All my cuisine is based on this vision of knowing the ingredient, the raw material. Knowing how to manage and work on it. This is why I spend a lot of time “studying” the territory and its masterpieces, from the aforementioned vegetables to lake fish. Lake sardines, trout, whitefish, char, or the many types of alpine fish but also carne salada. Not only used in purity. I made the technique of this process my own by applying it to other meats such as pigeon. “

And fruits? Chef Brunel loves the flowers and fruits of this territory so much that he synthesizes them in a cocktail called “La Busa” which will soon rightfully be included in one of the tasting menus of his restaurant.
It is an aperitif made with Dro PDO plums, prune grappa from the distilleria Pisoni, all mixed with Garda lemon juice, sugar syrup and Brezza Riva Riserva Blanc de Blancs Bio, Trentodoc sparkling wine produced with the classic method carried out by Agraria di Riva.
We just have to exclaim “cheers” and let ourselves be overwhelmed by this gourmet experience signed by Peter Brunel with the “help” of a territory, Garda Trentino, which also gives great starred chefs more than one reason to love it.